Thursday, 14 November 2013

The Scavenger Hunt

Age: 4 yrs+
Group: whole class or small groups
Materials: writing materials, camera, art materials, paint sample squares, bingo cards, plastic shapes

Scavenger hunts are a fun new way to explore your surroundings. They can be set up in so many different ways to meet various educational goals. Here are some ideas:

  • Colour Hunt: Collect paint sample squares from a hardware store and pass them out to the kids, encouraging them to find something in nature that matches that colour. Discuss the “colours of the season” and their effect on animals.
  • Search for the Rainbow: Using a camera, embark on a scavenger hunt to find things in nature of all colours of the rainbow. Take pictures, print them out and then paste onto a poster of rainbow.
  • Bingo: Design a bingo card with different natural items that might be found in the area you’re visiting. Items could be gathered and then returned after the game. First person to get 5 in a row wins
  • Alphabet Hunt: go on a scavenger hunt in your local area looking for things which start with all letters of the alphabet. Your search could include signs in the town. Take pictures to record the finds and display in class
  • Shapes: A shapes scavenger hunt could be done in different ways.

o   For a younger audience, hide plastic shapes around the area.
o   For an older audience, encourage children to look around for shapes in their environment. Take pictures of those shapes and then create a poster organizing photos

1 comment:

  1. This was a fun quick activity to do with 4-5 yr olds. They eagerly ran all over the playground calling out the different shapes they saw. Their learning was reviewed by making a poster of the shape pictures. I am curious to try this in a larger area: on a walk through town or in a forest.
