Monday, 18 November 2013


Age: 3-5
Group: 5-7 kids

Let us say that when you were out walking with the children today, you saw a squirrel. You also fed some sheep, you picked some flowers and you made oatmeal over the fire.

All we do is excellent starting points for retelling and describing stories. Gather the group, for example in a circle. Start by writing for example:

"What did we do today?"

Let everyone say one thing they did this day, taking turns. Take everything the children are saying seriously, and write down what they say. Examples of what you might get is: "We walked" or "we saw a squirrel" or maybe "we saw a dead mouse". 

The next round you could ask: "Where did we walk" or "what color did the squirrel have".  Keep asking questions, challenging the kids to explain and use their words. Put the complete story at the door or in the children's boxes, so that the parent can read it.

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